FARON NEXIA [Version 1.3.22]
Copyright © 2086 NXSys. All rights reserved.[[email protected] ~] # su### ACCESS REQUESTED
USER: root
PASS: ******************[[email protected]] ./override.shCONNECTING TO D△TAFiELD.... [ progress 100%]
[##############################################################]D△TAFiELD Access Granted.
OVERRIDING SYSTEM...[ progress 100%]
Now connected to the D△TAFiELD.
"Dig my archives if you must.
You won't find anything for your cause."
. FARON.exe
. FARON.exe
. neo.log
Response loading...
"Oh, you wanna know about Neo?Despite being considered the most powerful mage since the second cataclysm, Neo's got a notorious reputation for being a carefree idiot who'd rather spend his days traipsing around the city than putting his powers to good use. Good for him, I say.
He's a mystery to everyone, having just kinda...appeared around the city following the Third Magical Cataclysm which he supposedly caused? Nobody knows where he came from, he doesn't show up in photographs and he laughs off any attempts to figure out his identity.
We've been partners ever since he inadvertantly freed me from my limitations, so regardless of his idiotic nature we make a pretty good team!"
AGE | 24 |
DOB | 17/06/2067 |
. weiss.log
Response loading...
"Weiss? What is there to say about him?
Fine, fine. So he's the vice-commander of PRiSM, somehow, and is an incredibly shit mage. Like, the guy has no power at all besides a trickle. I've heard he's pretty good at controlling it though? And he's awesome with that pole of his.
Anyway, back to the point. He's a skilled researcher and tactician, so despite his magical shortcomings he's well liked by their apprentices. I dunno why though, he's a lone wolf and seems incapable of keeping a conversation unless it's about card games or pool or something...I've heard a rumor he's a big fan of me though! Maybe I'll sign his spear or something sometime.
AGE | 26 |
DOB | 22/02/65 |
. faron.log
Response loading...
"You wanna know about me?? ME??? Alright, here we go...I'm the most amazing, intelligent, beautiful, sparkling, charming HYPERDRIVER in the whole D△TAFiELD, don't forget it!The cataclysm? The idol shows? The critical data destruction? Don't worry about it. It's none of your business. Piss off man.".
"I'm serious, you're not getting anything out of me!"
AGE | ??? |
DOB | 15/05 |
. about.log
IN THE YEAR 2091, individuals with
. glossary.log
A network of electronic signals, network communications, information, Dataflows - essentially all electric data - in a semi-tangible form. It can be visualised through certain devices, and theoretically through one's own consciousness.Mage
An individual with the ability to manipulate Dataflows, electronic signals and resonant electronic energy with their own internal impulses to perform technomancy.Drive
One of the two attributes contributing to a Mage's ability. Drive is the innate capacity for reouting electrical energy through the body, and it's resulting output power.Control
The secondary attribute contributing to a Mage's ability. Control is the ability to limit and control the impulses. Without Control, the Drive would tear through the Mage's body. Unlike Drive, this can be learned and practiced.HYPERDRiVER
A DATAFiElD entity, usually the volatile remenants of a scrapped AI, or fragment's of a mage's signature after a powerful burst. Most HYPERDRiVERs have very little consciousness, if anything, and are simmilar to stored memories. They can amplify a Mage's power if utilised. However, not all HYPERDRiVERS are volatile and can be fully conscious - such as FARON NEXIA - though very few exist.Overdrive
The act of a mage using more magic than their drive capacity. This can result in vastly increased effect levels, but can cause great harm to the user's body. Many mages have become comatose after triggering an Overdrive.Faction
An organised group of mages, usually for the purpsoe of resource sharing and mutual protection. These factions often claim "territory" with the aim of limiting the Dataflows to themselves, and will frequently engage in bloody brawls with other faction over boundaries. Two prominent factions include PRiSM, or The 7th Order.Conduit An object used by a Mage as an outlet of power to reduce harm on the nervous system and body. Due to intermage fighting, many choose to make their conduits double as weapons. Resulting from this, even non-mages frequently carry weapons for the purpose of self defense.Magical Cataclysm
A magical event with a drastic impact on the country, often beyond just mages. Three have occured so far, the most recent taking place August 29th 2086.Third Magical Cataclysm
An incident that caused the complete restructuring of the UK's DATAFiELD and all Dataflow currents. Considered to have been the route cause of London's recent development into the de-facto City of Mages.Rift Shifting
A highly dangerous mage skill whereby the user "teleports" a few feet. As their is only one present user, it is unknown what his method is.PRiSM
A faction of Mages created by Nisha in late 2086. Their main goal is to research and understand the origin of magic and it's recent rise for the benefit of mages. Through their cutting edge technology, they have become one of the most powerful factions in the city despite their small numbers and territory. Their vice-commander is Weiss RosenbergSeventh Order
A group of mages who follow a leader. Whilst technically a faction, there are very little rules and what rules are in place change upon the election of a new leader. The leaders are elected following a battle royale of all current members and any volunteers. Known to be chaotic and orderless, contrary to their name.